I had such great success with my peppers last year, that I decided to start them on the same day this year: February 1st. This year however, since I didn't want to end up with 100 plants again, I planted each of my 45 pepper plants into their own individual paper pot. (I will do the same for the tomatoes in two weeks.) Of course, 45 pepper plants is still too many, if they all germinate and grow I will have to give away roughly 15 plants. Still, better than the fifty+ plants I tried to unload last year! We are growing 25 varieties this year. A few bells, some sweets, a good amount of hots and a few super hots. We loved our Pimiento de Padron so much last year that we are starting four plants this year, and we are doubling up on our Chinese Five Color too.
Here they are in all their glory, three days after planting:
Not much, I know, but hopefully by next week I will have beautiful little peppers!! One can only hope. And crank up the heat in the second bedroom to ensure germination ;)
Also - an apology. It has been months since I've written to you, and for those who follow the blog, it must have felt like I fell off the face of the planet. I didn't, but I did go a little nuts with school last semester, and then went into recluse knitter mode over the holiday break. Now school is back in session, and has been for almost a month, and I feel ready to take on some extra responsibilities. Plus, I'm going to be writing a 25 page research paper this semester and I might want to share things I learn! :)