Sunday, June 24, 2012

Introducing Upcycled Cat Toys

Meet the newest member of our Cat Toy team, the Upcycled Critter Cat Toys!

These toys are stitched up from the fabric of discarded clothing, with a little work (and a lot of catnip!) they have been given a new purpose in life! There are four shapes - Mouse, Bird, Fish, and Ball. The Mice and Bird varieties come with a string (or two!) of hemp twine, which - along with the catnip inside the toys - drives cats bonkers! I've also been working on a line of "Kick Sticks" which are stuffed tubes of fabric (socks!) that also contain catnip! Lela is modeling one below:

Look for them on Etsy now!

And now for more from the Kitty Modeling shoot:

Norman was camera shy, but I caught this when he wasn't looking!

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