Sunday, July 19, 2020

July Tidbits

Hello Everyone!

It's been two whole weeks and I don't have much to report craft-wise. I started taking allergy shots to help combat my allergy issues (turns out I'm really allergic to grass, and regular allergic to pretty much everything else lol) so I've been pretty focused on that. I have to sit for a half hour after each shot - which would be a great time to knit, but my current project is the baby blanket, which is huge and difficult to carry I've been reading! It's been a rough year for reading, and I've only just finished my second book for the year. (They were both children's books

Jasper Fforde

I did spend most of last weekend working on a small brick-work project in the backyard. The gate to our backyard has bothered me since we moved in - it was uneven, difficult to mow, and the fence was poorly wrapped, so grass would grow up between the fence pieces and it was not easy to close the gate handle. It's looking pretty good after two weekends of work! The weekend before last I purchased some of my materials, cut the sod, and starting evening out the soil. I was rained out before I got too far, so last weekend I did the bulk of the work - evening out the soil the rest of the way, laying down weed fabric, placing the bricks and the pebbles. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination - but for my first project, I'm pretty pleased. Plus, it's a there's that. 

A little work still needed.
I worked yesterday morning, and spent the afternoon working on listings for the Hide and Hair Gems Etsy shop. I've been trying to focus on my physical health (which is usually relegated to "if I have time" because I tend to put myself and my needs behind other things I think are more important) so I've been riding the Peloton quite a bit this last week. Yesterday I did a class that was in German on accident - but it was actually kind of fun not really understanding what was going on. I've also been using an inhaler before exercising the last few times and I've never been more sore lol. I guess when you have better lung capabilities, it's easier to actually work your muscles! 😂

The old computer is slowly giving up all of it's treasures, and once it is clear I am going to set up a soldering station for my jewelry. I am super excited to expand what I can create - and am anxious to do so! Hopefully next week I'll have more news to report on that front. Til then - have a great week!

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