Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Where has the time gone?

If you follow our blog, you know that I like to post every other day if I can. You also know that I haven't posted anything regularly since April! I'm sure you are curious as to why that is. Well, honestly, the last couple weeks of school were pretty difficult this semester. I started a new job a few weeks before school got out, and I had big projects/papers due in pretty much every one of my six classes. Then, during finals week, I started a second new job. Between stress from grades (I lost my 4.0 this semester, with a B+ in one of my classes) and two jobs, I didn't have time to think, let alone write! I also didn't care if I sat at a computer again anytime soon. I did manage to get some gardening done in between jobs, and even a little knitting!

A few weeks ago, I finally realized that even though I worked two jobs when I was 19 and going to college in Green Bay, and even though I worked two jobs when we first moved to Bozeman four years ago, I don't have the time or the inclination to work two jobs anymore! I didn't have time to myself, or time to spend with my sweet kitties and fiancee family. The garden was suffering, the Etsy shop was suffering, and nothing new was hitting my knitting needles. So, I quit one of the jobs. Now I really need to focus on the Etsy shop to make up for the lost income! ;)

I have come up with a few new toys for the shop, and am working diligently on other new projects that I hope to tell you about in the coming months. But for now, seeing as it is Wednesday, I feel I should share some garden pictures!! Next week I'll talk about how I went a little nuts with the garden this year, and have fears for my sanity regarding next year's garden....

Greenhouse full of Peppers and Melons June 6 2014

Extra Tomatoes June 6 2014

Raised Bed with Tomatoes June 6 2014

Potato Patch and Tomatoes June 6 2014

Backyard Garden June 6 2014

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