Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 New Year, Slightly Changed Me

We all have big plans at the beginning of a new year. This year, I have lots of little plans! At the top of my list is an embarrassing confession: I suck at brushing my teeth. This year, I will brush, floss, and swish regularly! I even bought a fancy Sonicare toothbrush to help me out :)

Other items on the list:

Write more on this blog!
Try to focus on the positive, even when I don't want to.
Eat food that is good for me, more than I eat food that is bad!
Be more active, even if that means just getting out of my desk more at work.
Keep making progress on my debt, even if I have to do it $25 at a time.
Knit more!

I even have a list for my craft goals...
Knit a pair of socks!
Finish Matt's Mitts (or just start over!)
Finish other half-done projects, including the blue snowflake scarf :)
Finish a Buy Local bag and list it for sale on Etsy.
Knit lots and lots of hats for next year, so I'll be ready to go to craft shows!

We are looking into moving to Minnesota in the fall, so I see lots of yellow and purple yarn in my future. Maybe even some viking braids or horns :)

Matt is hoping to quit smoking this year, and I am all ready to cheer him on through his endeavor. What are your goals for the new year? Are you planning big, or keeping them small?

1 comment:

  1. Your goals are all terrific! (Of course I'm really rooting for Matt's :) I hope to get ahead financially, and garden despite being in an apartment!
